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What is the Tax Reform Program?

About CTRP

The Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, or CTRP, is a set of legislative bills aimed at rapidly modernizing governance, continuing public investments, and pursuing market-friendly reforms to achieve a strong economic rebound. By making the tax system fairer, simpler, and more efficient, additional—and a more sustainable stream of—revenues will be generated to make meaningful investments for the Filipino people.

Package 1: TRAIN Law

The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law, or Republic Act (RA) No. 10963, corrects the longstanding inequity of the tax system by reducing income taxes for 99 percent of income taxpayers, thereby giving them relief after 20 years of non-adjustment. It also raises significant revenues to fund the President’s priority infrastructure programs and social service programs to reduce poverty incidence from 21.6 percent in 2015 to 14 percent by 2022.

The threshold for those with annual taxable income below this figure are now exempt from paying personal income tax.

Lower tax rates for the rest of taxpayers (except the richest) by 2023

Flat tax on gross sales in lieu of income and percent tax is now an option for small and micro self-employed and professional taxpayers 

Number of poorest households and individuals who received cash transfers of PHP 200 per month in 2018 and PHP 300 per month in 2019 and 2020 to offset the moderate but temporary increase in prices due to TRAIN.

Package 1B: Tax Amnesty

RA No. 11213 allows errant taxpayers to affordably settle their outstanding tax liabilities while also providing the government with additional revenues for its priority infrastructure and social programs. At the same time, it signals the start of a more aggressive tax enforcement campaign by tax authorities.

Covering the estate of decedents who died on or before December 31, 2017, the estate tax amnesty allows heirs to have the unpaid estate taxes settled at the rate of 6 percent without penalty.

Though it was signed into law in February 2019, the President vetoed the grant of general tax amnesty due to lack of safeguards against tax evasion. He also vetoed provisions under estate tax amnesty such as the one-time declaration and settlement of estate taxes on properties subject to multiple unsettled estates, and the presumption of correctness of the estate tax amnesty returns.

Package 2: CREATE

The Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Law is the largest fiscal stimulus for businesses in recent history.

PHP 1 trillion
Worth of tax relief to be delivered over the next 10 years through CREATE
Income tax rate reduction for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from the previous rate of 30%
Income tax rate reduction for large corporations from 30%

CREATE also provides other forms of tax relief which are part of a package of economic recovery measures implemented by the government to address the varying needs and concerns of the business sector brought about by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

CREATE also provides for a generous and flexible tax incentive system that is performance-based, time-bound, targeted, and transparent. These principles have been unanimously recognized by stakeholders during hearings and consultations. The tax incentives system under CREATE balances the interests of all stakeholders while remaining faithful to the fundamental principles and mindful of the country’s fiscal challenges.

Package 2+: Sin Taxes

Package 2+ proposes increasing taxes on tobacco, alcohol, and e-cigarette products to fund universal health care (UHC) and to reduce the incidence of risks associated with the consumption of “sin” products.

PHP 40 per liter
Increased unitary excise tax for fermented liquor effective 2019. An additional PHP 5 per liter shall be imposed from 2020 to 2022 then a 10% increase every year thereafter. 

PHP 40 per proof liter
Increased excise tax rate for distilled spirits effective 2019, followed by an additional PHP 5 per proof liter from 2020 to 2022. From 2023 onwards, it will be an additional 10%. For the ad valorem rate it is proposed at 25% from 2019 onwards.

Increase in specific tax rate for wines every year starting 2019. 

PHP 10
Increase in the excise tax on cigarettes effective 2020

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 onwards
45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 5% indexation

Package 2+: Mining Taxes

The Department of Finance proposes to implement a single fiscale regime applicable to all mineral agreements as opposed to the two regimes currently in effect. 

The proposed Mining Taxation has these salient features: 

  • Impose royalty on all metallic and non-metallic minerals, small- and large-scale mines, whether inside or outside mineral reservations:
    • Retain the 5% royalty on gross output for mines located inside a mineral reservations
    • Phased-in royalty (see below) on gross output for those outside mineral reservations.
      Year Royalty (in %)
      1 to 3 3
      4 4
      5 5
  • Impose an additional government share on all metallic and non-metallic minerals, small- and large- scale mines whether inside or outside mineral reservations.
  • Impose thin-capitalization and ring-fencing to control tax avoidance.
    • Thin-capitalization is a policy to put a limit on the excessive debt funding of businesses in their operations, which would result in high interest expense deductions and thereby reducing corporate income tax liability.
    • Ring-fencing is a policy to prevent consolidation of income and expenses of all mining projects by the same taxpayer, resulting in losses from other mining projects.

Package 3: Real Property Valuation

Package 3 of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) will broaden the tax base used for property-related taxes of the national and local governments, thereby increasing government revenues without increasing the existing tax rates or devising new tax impositions.

Among a host of benefits, the Real Property Valuation Reform will eliminate wide disparities, achieve consistency in real property valuation, and provide national and local governments, businesses, financial institutions, lenders, and investors with greater confidence in valuation reports.

Package 4: Passive Income and Financial Taxes Act (PIFITA)

The Passive Income and Financial Taxes Act (PIFITA) greatly simplifies the taxation of passive income, financial services, and transactions.

It reduces the number of tax rates from 80 to 36. It also harmonizes the tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains, and the business taxes imposed on financial intermediaries. PIFITA also removes the documentary stamp tax (DST) imposed on non-monetary transactions. 

In addition, the Initial Public Offering (IPO) tax is also removed as it is seen as a tax on capital, and is detrimental to the capital markets. Income tax on listed shares of stock and debt securities will also be gradually removed to further promote capital market development.

Single rate on interest income imposed regardless of currency, maturity, issuer, and other differentiating factors 

Single rate imposed on interest income, dividends, and capital gains 

Single gross receipt tax (GRT) rate imposed on banks, quasi banks, and certain non-bank financial intermediaries (FIs). 

Tax on pre-need, pension, life, and HMO insurance. Non-life insurance will remain subject to VAT, while crop insurance will remain exempt from VAT. Income other than the premium will be subject to VAT. 

Motor Vehicle User’s Charge

After consultation with different stakeholders, the Department of Finance proposes to impose a unitary rate based on weight for all vehicles, whether private, government, or for-hire vehicles, as well as to adopt a longer phased-year period of 3 years to increase motor vehicle user’s charge (MVUC) rates.


Type of vehicle MVUC rates (pesos per kg of gross vehicle weight)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Private and government motor vehicles, including motorcycles 1.40 1.95 2.50


The MVUC was introduced to provide adequate funding for the maintenance of national and provincial roads. It also aims to address air pollution from motor vehicles.